Home/Vision Over 40

Multifocal Contact Lenses

Multifocal Contact LensesOnce we reach our mid-40s, presbyopia – the normal, age-related loss of flexibility of the lens inside our eye – makes it difficult for us to focus on near objects. In the past, reading glasses were the only option available to contact lens wearers who wanted to read a menu or do other everyday tasks that require good near vision.

But today, a number of multifocal contact lens options are available for you to consider. Multifocal contact lenses offer the best of both worlds: no glasses, along with good near and […]

By |January 30th, 2014|Categories: Contact Lenses, Vision Over 40|0 Comments

Multifocal Eyeglass Lenses

Multifocal Eyeglass LensesJust as eyeglass frames have continually changed to reflect the latest fashions, eyeglass lenses also have evolved. This is particularly true for multifocal lenses – eyeglass lenses with more than one power to help those of us over age 40 deal with the normal, age-related loss of near vision called presbyopia.

History of multifocal eyeglass lenses

Benjamin Franklin, the early American statesman and inventor, is credited with creating the first multifocal eyeglass lenses. Prior to Franklin’s invention, anyone with presbyopia had to carry two pairs of eyeglasses – one for seeing distant […]

By |January 30th, 2014|Categories: Eyeglasses, Vision Over 40|0 Comments

Occupational Bifocal And Trifocals

Occupational Bifocal and Trifocal Lenses

Occupational Bifocal and Trifocal LensesAn occupational lens is a type of multifocal that is specifically suited for performing a particular job or hobby. Glasses with these lenses are special-purpose eyewear and are not designed for everyday wear.

The Double-D Bifocal: For reading and overhead near work

The Double-D is an occupational bifocal which consists of a D-shaped flat-top bifocal at the bottom of the lens and an upside-down flat-top near segment located at the top of the lens. The rest of the lens area consists of distance correction.

People […]

By |January 30th, 2014|Categories: Eyeglasses, Vision Over 40|0 Comments

How Progressive Lenses Work

Progressive Lenses

Progressive LensesProgressive addition lenses (also called progressives or PALs) are the most popular multifocal lenses sold in the United States. Sometimes called “no-line bifocals,” these line-free multifocals provide a more complete vision solution than bifocals. Instead of having just two lens powers like a bifocal – one for distance vision and one for up close – progressives have a gradual change in power from the top to the bottom of the lens, providing a range of powers for clear vision far away, up close and everywhere in between.

Progressive lenses […]

By |January 30th, 2014|Categories: Vision Over 40|0 Comments

Reading Glasses

Reading GlassesAre you someone who never needed glasses before, but you now can’t read a newspaper without stretching your arms to the limit?

This normal change in our eyes is called presbyopia. As the lens inside our eyes ages, it loses its ability to focus on close-up objects. Most people notice this some time after age 40, when small print starts to blur.

The simple solution to presbyopia is reading glasses. Single vision reading glasses (those that have just one power and are used just for near vision) come in two styles: full-size, in […]

By |January 30th, 2014|Categories: Vision Over 40|0 Comments

Dry Eye After Menopause

What is Dry Eye?

Dry EyeStudies show that more than 14% of older Americans have dry eye syndrome. If you are 50 or older and female, your chance of developing dry eye is even greater. In fact, the American Academy of Ophthalmology says hormonal changes make older women twice as likely as older men to develop dry eye and accompanying symptoms such as eye irritation and blurred vision.

Women who have undergone menopause may experience disrupted chemical signals that help maintain a stable tear film. Resulting inflammation also can lead to decreased tear production. […]

By |January 30th, 2014|Categories: Vision Over 40|0 Comments